How Do I Add a New User?
There are many reasons a LinkSky member may want or need to add additional users to their account. For example:
- If a developer/website designer needs to access cPanel
- If a person needs to submit support requests
- If an accountant needs to add or update payment information
- Or any other reason!
Here are the steps to add a new user to your account:
- Open your Web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.) and visit:
- Click "Login" in the top right corner of the LinkSky homepage
- Login using the email address on-file
- Note: If you do not know your password, then click the "Request a Password Reset" link
- Click the "+ New Contact..." button under the "Contacts" heading
- Desktop/Laptop: Button will be on the left
- Phone/Tablet: Button will be near the bottom
- Enter the new user's information into the fields
- Note: Email address must be unique. If an email address is already used for a different LinkSky account, then it cannot be used a second time.
- Select the checkbox for "Tick to configure as a sub-account with client area access"
- This will allow the user to login to using the email address you entered in step 5
- If you would like the user to have single sign-on access to cPanel, then select both of the following checkboxes:
- View Products & Services
- Perform Single Sign-On
- Select any other checkboxes you want the new user to have access to
- Enter a password into the "New Password" and "Confirm New Password" fields OR click the "Generate Password" button to automatically set a secure password
- Select any email preferences, if you want the new user to receive email notifications
- Click the "Save Changes" button
Please let us know if you have any questions or need further help.